Reese Cups Rumor

Holy crap!! Is this true or not? I heard a rumor that the Hershey company is taking all of their Reese Cup candies off of shelves in October. I hope this isn't true, but if it is, this decision will have customers contacting the company to verbalize complaints and seeing what they can do to keep the popular candy on the market.

The original rumor was that the popular candy had newer versions and wasn't getting adequate sales as they were in the past. The rumor came from This blog site is known for putting out false advertisements and fabricating stories to get reviews. They also generate how many times these post are viewed and commented on through major social media sites.

Fortunately, this rumor is completely fabricated. There isn't anything true about this rumor. The information is not credible because the news didn't come from the candy manufacturer. When a manufacturer gives facts about their company or anything dealing with products, they will have a confirmed representative to back up the statements and allow the public to ask questions. The article is not professionally written and have major grammar errors.

According to Robert Knapp, there are three classifications of rumors. The classifications are: Pipe-dream or Wish rumor, the Bogie rumor, and Wedge-driving aggression rumor. This rumor could be classified as the Bogie rumor or the Wish rumor. It can be the Wish rumor because it can have positive hopes of people who don't like Reese Cups and would love to see them taken off the market. (Knapp,Robert, page 496). This rumor can also be classified as the Bogie rumor because (Knapp, Robert, page 497) stated that a Bogie rumor can be driven from anxiety. The anxiety can kick in based on consumers, like me, that actually love Reese Cups and would hate to see them taken off shelves. (Goldman, Daniel, page 486), anatomy of rumor can touch basis on fears and anxieties because it would send people in a frantic state to purchase a lot of the candy if they knew for sure it would be taken off the market soon.

The Reese Cup rumor could fit the qualities of a good rumor because it is stated in the article as short and simple. It verbalized information by using short sentences and not long and drawn out information. It gave a precise time frame for October, 2017.

Rumors can be spread by certain desires (Difonzo, Nicholas, page 511). The desire to spread the Reese Cup rumor could have negative and positive trends. The positive desire could be of continuing more sales and revenue to the company. The negative desire could make another candy company have more profit than Hershey. Either way the situation goes, this rumor could tend to make consumers spread or not spread the rumor about this company. This just depends on what side you are looking at regarding the rumor. 

In conclusion, the rumor encourages "shared human sense-making" by sharing news that people get from one another, whether it's good or bad. Shared sense making can put a rumor to bed or give it more life to continue to circulate in the future.


  1. I pray this is just a hoax to get an increase in sales. Kind of like what furniture stores do when they say that they're closing, then reemerge with a different name.

  2. companies like that will do anything to get sales, even tricking their loyal customers into buying more of their candy by saying that they will stop selling candy. what a shame!

  3. My grandmother was just talking to me about this the other day, its crazy to think someone would believe that they would take a top selling candy off of the selves. But developing a rumor to earn more sales is mindblowing.

  4. This rumor had me very upset. Everyone was talking about it and I was one of the people who had a stash in the freezer ready for when this tragedy took place. LOL

  5. I'm pretty sure its just a hoax to scare those who adore Reese's into buying the candy in bulk lol!!

  6. When I heard this "news" I knew immediately that it was fake. Knapp described this type of time to a T.


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